Travel Reference
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drop-in after 21:45-195 kr, additional drinks-95 kr, reservations smart; daily
June-Aug 11:15-24:00, Sept-May 15:00-24:00; last entry 45 minutes before
closing, in the Nordic Sea Hotel adjacent to the main train station at Vasaplan
4, tel. 08/5056-3124, ) . People are let in all at once every 45
minutes. That means there's a long line for drinks, and the place goes from
being very crowded to almost empty as people gradually melt away. At first
this is the second one (after the Ice Hotel in Lapland). And it really is pretty
cool...a steady 23°F.
Cinema —In Sweden, international movies are shown in their original lan-
guage with Swedish subtitles. Swedish theaters sometimes charge more for
longer films (95-135 kr, movies longer than 2 hours are usually the higher
price), and tickets come with assigned seats (drop by to choose seats and
buy a ticket, box offices generally open 11:00-22:00 daily). The Hötorget and
Drottninggatan neighborhoods have many theaters.
Sleeping in Stockholm
Peak season for Stockholm's hotels—weeknights outside of summer vacation
time—is dictated by business travelers. Rates drop by 30-50 percent in the
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