Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The performance is fresh and spirited, because the soldiers are visiting
Stockholm just like you—and it's a chance for young soldiers from all over
Sweden in every branch of the service to show their stuff in the big city.
Pick your place at the palace courtyard, where the band arrives at about 12:15
(13:15 on Sun). The best spot to stand is along the wall in the inner courtyard,
near the palace information and ticket office. There are columns with wide
pedestals for easy perching, as well as benches that people stand on to view
the ceremony (arrive early). Generally, after the barking and goose-stepping
formalities, thebandshowsoffforanimpressive30-minutemarchingconcert.
Though the royal family now lives out of town at Drottningholm, the palace
guards are for real. If the guard by the cannon in the semicircular courtyard
looks a little lax, try wandering discreetly behind him.
Cost and Hours: Free; mid-May-mid-Sept Mon-Sat parade begins at
11:45 (reaches palace at 12:15), Sun at 12:45 (palace at 13:15); April-mid-
May and mid-Sept-Oct Wed and Sat at 11:45 (palace at 12:15), Sun at 12:45
(palace at 13:15); Nov-March starts at palace Wed and Sat at 12:15, Sun at
13:15. Royal appointments can disrupt the schedule; confirm times at TI. In
summer, you might also catch the mounted guards (but they do not appear on
a regular schedule).
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