Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Fortress Visitors Center: Located immediately inside the gate, the in-
formation center has an interesting exhibit tracing the story of Oslo's fortifica-
tions from medieval times through the environmental struggles of today. Stop
here to pick up a castle overview booklet, quickly browse through the mu-
seum, watch the quick video, and consider catching a tour (see next; museum
entry free, mid-June-mid-Aug Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat-Sun 11:00-17:00,
shorter hours off-season, tel. 23 09 39 17, ).
▲Fortress Tours —The free 45-minute English walking tours of the grounds
help you make sense of the most historic piece of real estate in Oslo (offered
Aug daily at 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, and 16:00; late Aug Sat-Sun at 15:00; no
tours off-season; depart from Fortress Visitors Center, call center at tel. 23 09
39 17 in advance to confirm times).
Akershus Castle —Although it's one of Oslo's oldest buildings (c. 1300), the
castle overlooking the harbor is mediocre by European standards; the big,
empty rooms recall Norway's medieval poverty. From the old kitchen, where
the ticket desk and gift shop are located, you'll follow a one-way circuit
of rooms open to the public. Descend through a secret passage to the dun-
geon, crypt, and royal tomb. Emerge behind the altar in the chapel, then walk
through echoing rooms including the Daredevil's Tower, Hall of Christian IV,
and Hall of Olav I. There are terrific harbor views from the rampart just out-
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