Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The wandering Indian Diego Huallpa discovers silver in Potosí's Cerro Rico (Rich
Mountain), which leads to the development of the world's most prolific silver mine.
Potosí is founded as a mining town. Due to the incredible wealth, it grows rapidly and
gains a mint, 86 churches and a population approaching 200,000 by 1672.
Tupac Amaru's revolt kicks off in Peru, extending later into Bolivia. The revolt is put
down, and effectively dismantles the cacique (chieftain) structure of local indigenous
Bolivia proclaims its independence from Spain by establishing the first juntas (auto-
nomist governments); first in Chuquisaca (later renamed Sucre), then in La Paz.
General Simón Bolívar succeeds in liberating Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and
Panama from Spanish rule. He is made president of a short-lived new nation, Gran Co-
lombia (1819-31).
General Sucre incites a declaration of independence for Alto Perú, and the new Repub-
lic of Bolivia is born, loosely modeled on the US, with legislative, executive and judi-
cial branches of government.
Bolivia loses its coastline to Chile in the War of the Pacific. The loss of this transit
point continues to hobble the Bolivian economy to this day.
During the rubber boom, Brazil annexes the remote Acre area, which stretched from
Bolivia's present Amazonian borders to halfway up Peru's eastern border.
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