Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The great Altiplano (which literally means 'high plateau'), the largest expanse of arable
land in the Andes, extends from present-day Bolivia into southern Peru, northwestern Ar-
gentina and northern Chile.
Cultural interchanges between the early Andean peoples oc-
curred mostly through trade, usually between nomadic tribes in
the lowlands, farmers in the Yungas, organized societies such as
the Tiwanaku and Inca in the high plateau, and coastal traders
in present-day Peru and Chile. These interchanges and geo-
graphic advantages around the Altiplano resulted in food sur-
pluses and eventually led to the Andes' emergence as the cradle
of South America's highest cultural achievements.
Advanced civilizations first developed along the Peruvian
coast and in the valleys in the early AD period. Highland civil-
izations developed a little later. Some archaeologists define the
prehistory of the Central Andes in terms of 'horizons' - Early,
Middle and Late - each of which was characterized by distinct
architectural and artistic trends.
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