Travel Reference
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Car & Bike Hire
Barron's Rent-a-Car Offline map Google map ( 663-6853; Ingavi E-339)
Although you can walk just about anywhere in Tarija (including to the airport), taxis cost
B$5/8 per person for day/night trips around the center, including to the bus terminal.
San Jacinto Reservoir
If you're hot in Tarija and after some aquatic refreshment, go to the 17-sq-km reservoir,
7km southwest of town. There's a tourist complex with little cabañas (cabins), a restaur-
ant serving dorado (a delicious local fish) and a place to rent canoes or, if you feel the
need for speed, jet skis. Those who prefer more tranquil ways to enjoy themselves will de-
light in the nice walks along the shore and surrounding ridges. Though billed as one of the
region's biggest attractions, it's not - but it does make for a pleasant day trip and is popu-
lar with chapacos on Sunday afternoons. Trufis run to San Jacinto (B$3, 10 minutes)
every 20 minutes from the corner of Ingavi and Campos (outside the Palacio de la Justi-
cia) in Tarija.
San Lorenzo (population 21,400), 15km north of Tarija along the Tupiza road, is a quaint colonial village with
cobbled streets, carved balconies, a church built in 1709 and a flowery plaza. It's best known, however, as the
home of José Eustaquio 'Moto' Méndez, the hero of the Batalla de la Tablada, whose former house is now the
Museo Moto Méndez (admission free; 9am-12:30pm & 3-5pm Mon-Sat, 10am-noon Sun) . The popular Fies-
ta de San Lorenzo takes place here on August 10 and features chapaco musical instruments and dancing.
After seeing the museum, head 2km north to the former Méndez family chapel, Capilla de Lajas , which is del-
icate, exquisitely proportioned and a fine example of colonial architecture. Just to the north is the former home of
ex-president Jaime Paz Zamora , with an adjacent billboard paying homage to him.
Micros and trufis (B$3, 30 minutes) to San Lorenzo leave from the corner of Domingo Paz and Saracho in Tar-
ija approximately every 20 minutes during the day.
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