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city's finest. The church now serves as a civic auditorium and is only open to the public
during special events.
Museos Universitarios
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(Bolívar 698; admission B$15; 8:30am-noon & 2:30-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon &
3-6pm Sat) The Museos Universitarios are three separate halls housing colonial relics, an-
thropological artifacts and modern art.
Museo Gutiérrez Valenzuela
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(Plaza 25 de Mayo; admission B$8; 8.30am-noon & 2.30-6pm Mon-Fri) Run by the
university, the Museo Gutiérrez Valenzuela is an old aristocrat's house with 19th-century
decor and a small natural-history museum.
Parque Bolívar
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A short walk north of Plaza Pizarro, the elongated Parque Bolívar is sandwiched between
two avenues flanked with trees and overlooked by handsomely imposing government
buildings. It's a pleasant place for a quiet stroll and its strongly European style is high-
lighted by the presence of a miniature replica of the Eiffel Tower; remarkably, it was built
by the same hand as the original in 1906. The French influence is further seen in an arch-
way that looks suspiciously like the Arc de Triomphe.
Cementerio Municipal
(entrance on Calle José Manuel Linares; 8:30am-noon & 2-5:30pm) The enthusiasm
surrounding Sucre's cemetery seems disproportionate to what's there. There are some
arches carved from poplar trees, as well as picturesque palm trees and the mausoleums of
wealthy colonial families. At weekends it's jam-packed with families. You can walk the
eight blocks from Plaza 25 de Mayo south along Junín, or take a taxi or micro A .
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