Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
POP 22,300 / ELEV 2950M (9678FT)
The pace of things in tranquil Tupiza seems a few beats slower than in other Bolivian
towns, making this a great place to relax for a few days, head out for a rip-romping cowboy
adventure like Butch Cassidy and Sundance did 100 years ago, or trundle off on the back
road to the Salar de Uyuni.
Set in a spectacular 'Wild West' countryside, the capital of the southern Chichas region
is cornered in the Río Tupiza Valley, surrounded by rugged scenery - cactus-studded slopes
and eroded rainbow-colored rocks cut by gravelly quebradas (ravines, usually dry).
The climate is mild year-round, with most of the rain falling between November and
March. From June to August, days are hot, dry and clear, but at nighttime the temperatures
can drop to below freezing.
Economically, the town depends on agriculture and mining. A refinery south of town
provides employment, and the country's only antimony (a flame-retardant metallic ele-
ment) smelter operates sporadically.
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