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La Loco $$
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(Potosí, btwn Sucre & Camacho; snacks B$9, mains B$25-30; 4pm-2am, closed in low
season) This friendly French-run restaurant and pub is in a barnlike space that's lit low
and furnished with comfortingly chunky wooden furniture around a log fire. There are
plenty of drinks and a short menu that offers a variety of dishes from Mexico, France,
Italy and even Bolivia.
Wiphala Pub $$
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(Potosí 325; mains B$25-50) Named after the multicolored Aymará flag, this place has a
welcoming feel with its wooden tables, earthy vibe and board games. It serves tasty
Bolivian dishes, specializing in llama meat and quinoa, and has quinoa beer.
Ristorante Italia $$
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(Arce, btwn Potosí & Ferroviaria; mains B$18-25, pizza B$30-40) Service can be pain-
fully slow at this buzzing place with bamboo decor and plenty of travelers. The menu fea-
tures sandwiches and a wide selection of pizzas. You can wash your meal down with a
beer or cocktail.
Arco Iris $$
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(Arce 27; pizzas B$30-35) Something of an Uyuni classic for pizza and drinks, this place
with wooden benches and Bolivian indigenous decor is friendly and popular. It's a great
place to socialize and link up with other travelers.
Extreme Fun Pub $$
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(Potosí 9; mains B$35-45) This relaxed spot is a very enticing place for a tea or coffee, a
meal or sociable cocktail - try a Sexy Llama Bitch. It has salt floors, friendly service, a
book exchange and beautiful salar photos. It's also a good place to learn classic Bolivian
dice games.
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