Travel Reference
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Capilla de Serrato
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Capilla de Serrato, a steep climb from the end of Calle Washington, offers impressive city
Casa de la Cultura Simón Patiño
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(S Galvarro 5755; admission B$8; 8:30-11:30am & 2:30-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-2:30pm
Sat) The former residence of tin baron Simón Patiño includes his furniture, personal bric-
a-brac, fine toys (you're not allowed to play with them though) and an ornate art nouveau
stairway. Visiting exhibitions are featured in the downstairs lobby; the permanent collec-
tion is on the upper level. Entry is by guided tour only.
Portada del Beaterio
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(Soria Galvarro s/n) A couple of blocks southeast of Plaza 10 de Febrero, it's worth
checking out the Portada del Beaterio, the facade of a convent church carved with ornate
vegetal and bird motifs.
Museo Antropológico Eduardo López Rivas
(España s/n; admission B$3; 8am-noon & 2-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm Sat & Sun) At
the south end of town adjacent to the zoo, the Museo Antropológico Eduardo López Rivas
is an anthropological and archaeological museum well worth a visit. The fascinating
hodge- podge of exhibits includes mastodons, Carnaval costumes, stone-carved llama
heads, mummies from the chullpares (funerary towers) that dot the region and skulls ex-
hibiting the horrific cranial deformations once practiced on children. Take any micro
(half-sized bus) marked 'Sud' from the northwest corner of Plaza 10 de Febrero or oppos-
ite the train station and get off just beyond the old tin-foundry compound.
Museo Mineralógico
(Ciudad Universitaria; admission B$10; 8:30am-noon & 2:30-6pm Mon-Fri, week-
ends by appointment) On the university campus south of town, the Museo Mineralógico
houses a remarkable collection of more than 5200 minerals, precious stones, fossils and
crystals from around the world, housed in wooden cabinets amid a series of stairways, ex-
posed bricks and glass. Hop on minibus 102 or 2 or any micro marked 'Sud' or 'Ciudad
Universitaria' from opposite the train station or Plaza 10 de Febrero.
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