Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
be considered by those with extensive mountaineering experience at similar altitudes.
Prices start at around B$900 for an ascent of Huayna Potosí, but are significantly higher
for the more technical climbs - around B$3000-plus for Illimani, for example. Several
agencies and foreign climbing-tour agents offer packages that combine ascents of several
of the Cordillera Real peaks. Choose your tour agent carefully; cheaper does not mean
You can also contract a guide independently. The Asociación de Guías de Montaña
( ) is an association of registered mountain guides. If you are in a group,
it's worth paying extra to make sure that there are two guides accompanying you, so that
if one member of the group succumbs to altitude sickness the ascent isn't compromised.
Huayna Potosí
This is Bolivia's most popular major peak because of its imposing beauty and ease of ac-
cess, as well as the fact that it's 88m over the magic 6000m figure (but 26ft under the ma-
gic 20,000ft figure). While most people come here to climb, you can also stay at the
mountain lodge, and head out for some fun hikes or mountain bikes.
There are a number of routes to the top; the one described here is the North Peak route,
the most popular with visitors and tour companies. It's appealing because it can be
climbed by beginners with a competent guide and technical equipment. Beginners yes, but
fit beginners; it's quite steep toward the end and it's a tough climb. Though some people
attempt to climb Huayna Potosí in one day, it is not recommended. You're better off at-
tempting the climb in two or three days (three days is best for newbies to ensure you prop-
erly acclimatize and learn the ropes before you hit higher sections). Guided trips cost
between B$900 and B$1100.
There are five refugios in the Paso Zongo area; the better-equipped is Huayna Potosí
Refugio ( in La Paz 2-245-6717; ; dm incl breakfast B$175,
dinner B$50) . Run by a La Paz tour company, it's a comfortable, heated spot and a fine
place to acclimatize - there's pretty walking to be done hereabouts and plenty of advice
and good cheer. Reserve ahead. Refugio San Calixto (Casa Blanca; dm B$40) is right by
the La Paz-Zongo road (buses will let you off outside) and is a simpler but very hospit-
able spot. You can also camp here. Transportation to the refugios, guides, rations and port-
ers can be arranged through most La Paz tour agencies.
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