Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
and-true Bolivian treats like pique macho (beef chunks and sausages over French fries
with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and spicy locoto peppers). It's cleaner than most restaurants
in town.
Restaurant Jalisco $
Offline map
(mains B$25-30; ) On the east side of the plaza, Jalisco delivers an ambitious menu of
pizzas, Bolivian fare, pasta and creditable attempts at Mexican food such as tacos and
burritos. There's quite a few vegetarian options.
Drinking & Entertainment
Not a lot goes on in Sorata at night. The restaurants on the plaza are your best bet.
Sunday is market day, and Tuesday, when many businesses are closed, is considered
domingo sorateño (Sorata's Sunday). There's no tourist information center or ATM.
Buho's Internet & Café (per hr B$12) For slow and expensive internet access; on the
south side of the plaza. It also sells a small selection of local arts and crafts.
Prodem (Plaza Enrique Peñaranda 136; 8:30am-12:30pm & 2:30-6pm Tue-Fri,
8am-3pm Sat) Changes US dollars and does credit card cash advances for a 5% commis-
Getting There & Away
Sorata is a long way from the other Yungas towns, and there's no road connecting it direc-
tly with Coroico, so you must go through La Paz via a paved road.
From near La Paz' cemetery, buses leave hourly between 4am and 5:30pm (B$17, three
hours). From the plaza in Sorata, La Paz-bound micros depart when full and flotas (long-
distance buses) leave on the hour between 4am and 5pm. Sindicato de Transportes Uni-
ficada Sorata Offline map (Plaza Enrique Peñaranda s/n) has a daily service to Co-
pacabana (9am, B$40), Coroico (9am, B$36), Achacachi (no set time, B$12), and Haurina
(hourly, B$15). For Copa- cabana you can also get off at the junction town of Huarina and
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