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Creating Organizational Settings That Support
and Enable TI and Knowledge-Driven Healthcare
Creating Durable Homes and Funding Mechanisms
Given the critical importance of translational science at the informatics methods to
facilitate it, the creation of dedicated academic units and organizations as well as
funding mechanisms focused on the unique aspects of translational informatics will
become increasingly important. Well initially embedded in existing organizational
structures and funding apparatus, the importance of this work would benefi t greatly
from the creation of durable and dedicated homes in funding environments that
would not be subject to the wins of those who may not understand the nuances and
complexities inherent to work.
Removing Artifi cial Barriers Between Research, Practice,
and Training
At both the organizational and regulatory levels it is essential that the current out-
moded and even artifi cial barriers between research practice and training that cur-
rently impede progress and translational informatics be removed. Moving forward
organizational structures and policies must be established that facilitate the free
fl ow of information between the research and practice environments in order to
enable the kinds of translation needed to realize the vision laid out here.
Catalyzing a Culture of Science and Innovation
By achieving such advances organizational settings will be established that not only
allow for but actively support and enable translational informatics and knowledge
driven healthcare by creating a culture of science and innovation that exists syner-
gistically with healthcare practice.
A Paradigm Shift to an Evidence Generating Medicine
(EGM) Approach
It has become painful evident that the existing healthcare paradigm which distin-
guishes research from clinical care as distinct activities impedes translational sci-
ence and the related ongoing efforts in translational informatics. Current initiatives
demand that we leverage point of care activities information and resources to
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