Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6
Driving Clinical and Translational Research
Using Biomedical Informatics
Philip R. O. Payne and Peter J. Embi
By the End of This Chapter, Readers Should Be Able to
￿ Describe study types and designs commonly encountered in the clinical and
translational research domain;
￿ Understand the information needs of stakeholders involved in clinical and trans-
lational research, and how those needs can be satisfi ed using Biomedical
Informatics theories and methods;
￿ Understand how to critically evaluate study designs and information needs in
order to optimize the adoption/adaptation of Biomedical Informatics tools or
technologies; and
￿ Synthesize the challenges and opportunities in the Biomedical Informatics
domain as they pertain to clinical or translational research, and that may serve to
inform new lines of basic and applied research and innovation.
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