Information Technology Reference
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A Case studies of the GRAMS
reference model
This chapter presents two case studies of the GRAMS reference model
which have been performed to evaluate its practical applicability. Both
case studies have partially been published [121], [40, 41, 42].
A.1 Case study: Warehouse
This case study is used as first attempt to evaluate whether the spe-
cifications and definitions of the GRAMS reference model are detailed
enough and if the GRAMS reference model is practically applicable.
The case study deals with the analysis of a typical warehouse scen-
ario and follows closely the model development process as described
in Section 2.1.3. In the following sections, the structured problem
description and the conceptual model are presented in detail.
This case study has been published in a shortened version [121].
A.1.1 Structured problem description
Problem description
Objectives Theobjectiveistoanalyzetheperformanceofasimpli-
fied warehouse. The case study considers a generic warehouse, workers
and forklifts to transport articles and a warehouse manager who is
responsible for handling orders as well as managing incoming and
outgoing articles.
Especially, the following three more specific objectives are of in-
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