Information Technology Reference
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6.6.3 State of an agent
The state S t ( A )ofanagent A at time t describes the totality of
current attribute values as well as the current status of all sensors
and effectors. Each attribute may have values from a different domain
whereas sensors and effectors are either active or inactive . Therefore,
the state of an agent A is defined as:
S t ( A ): ATT × SEN × EFF
( B 1 ×···×
{inactive, active} | SEN | ×
B n )
} | EFF |
inactive, active
6.6.4 Constraints
Constraints determine conditions under which successful execution
of a sensor or effector action of an agent is possible and therefore
represent general laws of the model world. The set of all constraints is
denoted by
. As they limit the agents behavior and the interaction
of agents with the environment, constraints are concerned with the
micro-level and the macro-level. Constraints are an essential part of an
agent-based model and can be modeled in various ways (propositional
logic, first-order logic, . .. ). It is assumed that all constraints are
specified in an appropriate form and that they can be evaluated in
the ways required by a simulation engine.
Formally, given an agent-based model M and a currently active
sensor or effector x of an agent, a constraint c
is defined as
c : S t ( M )
true, false
For each sensor or effector action x at any point in time t (i.e., for
any state of the model M ) the constraint c is currently fulfilled or
Two disjoint situations and intended purposes of constraints are
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