Environmental Engineering Reference
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It is clear from the discussion earlier that each material considered for hydro-
gen storage has some strengths and limitations and none can meet all the
desired criteria and target requirements yet. Compared with hydrogen gen-
eration and utilization, hydrogen storage faces more and greater challenges.
Further research and development are needed, both in the experimental and
theoretical fronts, to meet these challenges. Some fundamental issues still
need to be addressed systematically at the atomic level in relation to both
the thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogen adsorption and desorption.
1. Niemann, M.U., Srinivasan, S.S., Phani, A.R., Kumar, A., Goswami, D.Y., Stefanakos,
E.K. Nanomaterials for hydrogen storage applications: A review. Journal of Nanomateri-
als 2008 , 1-9.
2. Lim, K.L., Kazemian, H., Yaakob, Z., Daud, W.R.W. Solid-state materials and methods
for hydrogen storage: A critical review. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2010 , 33 (2),
3. Sudan, P., Zuttel, A., Mauron, P., Emmenegger, C., Wenger, P., Schlapbach, L. Physisorp-
tion of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon 2003 , 41 (12), 2377-2383.
4. Nijkamp, M.G., Raaymakers, J., van Dillen, A.J., de Jong, K.P. Hydrogen storage using
physisorption: Materials demands. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing
2001 , 72 (5), 619-623.
5. Dillon, A.C., Jones, K.M., Bekkedahl, T.A., Kiang, C.H., Bethune, D.S., Heben, M.J.
Storage of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Nature 1997 , 386 (6623),
6. Wu, H.M., Wexler, D., Liu, H. Effects of different palladium content loading on the
hydrogen storage capacity of double-walled carbon nanotubes. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 2012 , 37 (7), 5686-5690.
7. Tsai, P.J., Yang, C.H., Hsu, W.C., Tsai, W.T., Chang, J.K. Enhancing hydrogen storage
on carbon nanotubes via hybrid chemical etching and Pt decoration employing supercriti-
cal carbon dioxide fluid. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012 , 37 (8),
8. Kroto, H.W., Heath, J.R., Obrien, S.C., Curl, R.F., Smalley, R.E. C-60: Buckminster-
fullerene. Nature 1985 , 318 (6042), 162-163.
9. Peera, A.A., Alemany, L.B., Billups, W.E. Hydrogen storage in hydrofullerides. Applied
Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 2004 , 78 (7), 995-1000.
10. Sun, Q., Jena, P., Wang, Q., Marquez, M. First-principles study of hydrogen storage on
Li12C60. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006 , 128 (30), 9741-9745.
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