Travel Reference
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Town along Karlovška cesta and over the Ljubljanica River, this 2.5-hectare botanical
garden was founded in 1810 as a sanctuary of native flora. It contains 4500 species of
plants and trees, about a third of which are indigenous.
Gruber Palace
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(Gruberjeva Palača; Zvezdarska ulica 1) Across Karlovška cesta is Gruber Palace. Gabri-
el Gruber, the Jesuit who built the Gruber Canal (Gruberjev Prekop) that regulates the
Ljubljanica, lived here until 1784. The palace is in Zopf style, a transitional art style
between late baroque and neoclassicism, and now contains the national archives (Arhiv
Republike Slovenije; 241 42 00; ; Gruber Palace, Zvezdarska ulica
1; 8am-2pm Mon-Fri) .
Church of St James
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(Cerkev Sv Jakoba; 252 17 27; Gornji trg 18; 7am-8pm) The Church of St James
was built in 1615. Inside the church, far more interesting than Robba's main altar (1732)
is the one in the church's Chapel of St Francis Xavier to the left, with statues of a 'White
Queen' and a 'Black King'.
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