Travel Reference
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One of the most colourful streets in Koper, Kidričeva ulica starts at Carpacciov trg, where
the Column of St Justina Offline map Google map (Steber Sv Justine; Kidričeva ulica)
commemorates Koper's contribution - a galley - to the Battle of Lepanto in which Turkey
was defeated by the European powers in 1571. Just north is a large Roman covered basin
that now serves as a fountain. At the western end of the square is the large arched Tav-
erna Offline map Google map (Carpacciov trg, Kidričeva ulica) , a one-time salt warehouse
dating from the 15th century.
On the north side of Kidričeva ulica there are several churches from the 16th century,
including the Church of St Nicholas Offline map Google map (Cerkev Sv Nikolaja; Kid-
ričeva ulica 30) , some restored Venetian houses and the 18th-century baroque Totto
Palace Offline map Google map (Palača Totto; Kidričeva ulica 22/a) , with winged lion re-
lief. Opposite the palace are some wonderful medieval town houses Offline map
Google map (Kidričeva ulica 33) , with protruding upper storeys painted in a checked red,
yellow and green pattern.
The 17th-century Belgramoni-Tacco Palace Offline map Google map (Palača
Belgramoni-Tacco; Kidričeva ulica 19) houses the Koper Regional Museum Offline map
Google map ( 663 35 70; ; Kidričeva ulica 19; adult/child €2/1.50;
9am-7pm Tue-Fri, to 1pm Sat & Sun) , which has displays of old maps and photos, Itali-
anate sculptures and paintings dating from the 16th to 18th centuries, copies of medieval
frescoes and a garden with Roman remains. The museum's ethnological collection (Etno-
loška Zbirka; 663 35 86; Gramšijev trg 4; 8am-1pm & 6-9pm Tue-Sun Jul & Aug,
8am-3pm Tue-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat & Sun Sep-Jun) is in a 17th-century building in the east-
ern section of the Old Town.
Titov Trg
Offline map Google map
In almost the exact centre of old Koper, Titov trg is a beautiful square full of interesting
buildings; mercifully, like much of the Old Town's core, it is closed to traffic. On the
north side is the arcaded Venetian Gothic Loggia Offline map Google map (Loža; Titov trg
1) built in 1463; attached is the Loggia Gallery Offline map Google map (Loža Galerija;
627 41 71; ; adult/child €2/1; 10am-1pm & 6-9pm Tue-Sat,
10am-noon Sun Jul & Aug, 10am-1pm & 4-7pm Tue-Sat, 10am-noon Sun Sep-Jun) .
To the south, directly opposite, is the gleaming white Praetorian Palace Offline map
Google map (Titov trg 3; admission free; 9am-8pm) , a mixture of Venetian Gothic and
Renaissance styles dating from the 15th century and the very symbol of Koper. It contains
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