Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Nova KMB Banka (Glavni trg 5)
Post Office (Bevkova ulica 9) In the občina hiša (council house) diagonally opposite
Cerkno Museum.
Tourist Information Centre Cerkno (TIC; 373 46 45; ;
Močnikova ulica 2; 8am-4pm Mon-Fri, 8am-1pm Sat, 8am-noon Sun) Faces Glavni trg
to the east, with free internet access.
Getting There & Away
There are hourly bus departures to Idrija (€3.10, 30 minutes) on weekdays (fewer at week-
ends), up to four a day to Ljubljana (€7.50, 1¾ hours) and a couple to Bovec (€7.20, 1¾
hours), via Tolmin (change for Nova Gorica) and Kobarid.
Karst Region
The Karst region ( ) is a limestone plateau stretching from Nova Gor-
ica southeast to the Croatian border, west to the Gulf of Trieste and east to the Vipava Val-
ley. Rivers, ponds and lakes can disappear and then resurface in the Karst's porous lime-
stone through sinkholes and funnels, often resulting in underground caverns like the caves
at Škocjan. Along with caves, the Karst is rich in olives, ruby-red Teran wine, pršut , old
stone churches and red-tiled roofs.
05 / ELEV UP TO 180M
This fertile, wine-rich valley stretches southeast from Nova Gorica into the Karst. Some
of the red wines produced here are world class, and Vipava merlot is among the best
wines of Central Europe. It's an excellent place to tour by car or bike; ask the TIC in Nova
Gorica for the brochure Wine Road of the Lower Vipava Valley . The valley's mild climate
also encourages the cultivation of stone fruits such as peaches and apricots and in autumn,
when the red sumac tree changes colour, the valley can look like it is in flames.
The town of Vipava , in the centre of the valley, some 33km southeast of Nova Gorica,
is full of stone churches below Mt Nanos , a karst plateau from which the Vipava River
springs. You can make a side trip 2km north to Dornbeck and Zemono Manor (Dvorec
Zemono; ; Prešernova ulica 6) , a mansion built as a summer hunting
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