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( 373 40 70; Ulica IX Korpusa 17; dm €11-13; Jul & Aug; ) This student
dormitory 300m northeast of Mestni trg has 44 beds available in multi-bed rooms avail-
able in summer, and a limited number of doubles, triples and quads the rest of the year.
Gostilna Kos €
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( 372 20 30; Tomšičeva ulica 4; starters €3-7.50, mains €7-12; 7am-3pm Mon,
7am-10pm Tue-Sat) The best place in town to have žlikrofi (€6 to €9.50), especially the
mushroom ones, is here at the 'Blackbird'.
Gostišče Barbara Restaurant €
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(Kosovelova ulica 3; starters €4-7.10, mains €7.10-11.30; 4-10pm Mon-Fri) This res-
taurant serves 'slow food' and many consider it to be the best eatery in town. There's a set
menu for €12.
Gostilna Pri Škafarju €
(Ulica Svete Barbare 9; mains €7.70-15.50; 11am-10pm Wed-Sun) Pizza (€5.20 to
€7.60) baked in a beautiful wood-burning tile stove is why most people come to this
friendly gostilna, but there are plenty of other things on the menu such as žlikrofi (€6.90
to €11).
Idrija lace is among the finest in the world, and a small piece makes a great gift or souven-
ir. There are several shops; we like the superior Studio Koder Offline map Google map (
377 13 59; ; Mestni trg 16; 10am-noon & 4-7pm Mon-Fri, 10am-
noon Sat) , a very stylish shop run by a helpful couple across from the town hall.
Abanka (Lapajnetova ulica 47)
Nova KBM Banka (Lapajnetova ulica 43)
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