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(Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti; Novi trg 3) At Novi trg's western end is the
Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, housed in a 16th-century building that was the
seat of the provincial diet (parliament) under the Habsburgs.
This lovely square, with leafy Zvevda Park (Star Park) at its centre, was named in honour
of the Congress of the Holy Alliance, convened by Austria, Prussia, Russia and Naples in
1821 and hosted by Ljubljana. Today the square is a popular venue for open-air concerts.
It also contains several important buildings. To the south at No 12 is the central building
of Ljubljana University, erected as a ducal palace in 1902.
Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity
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(Uršulinska Cerkev Sv Trojice; 252 48 64; Slovenska cesta 21; 6-7.30am, 9-11am
& 4-7pm) This church, which faces the square from across Slovenska cesta and dates from
1726, is the most beautiful baroque building in the city. It contains a multicoloured altar
by Robba made of African marble.
The small gilded statue on top of a column nearby is a copy (the original is in the Na-
tional Museum) of the Roman-era Citizen of Emona ( Offline map Google map ) , dating
from the 4th century and unearthed not far from here in 1836.
Philharmonic Hall
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(Filharmonija; 241 08 00; ; Kongresni trg 10) Situated in the
square's southeast corner, this building is home to the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra,
which was founded in 1701 and is one of the oldest in the world. Haydn, Beethoven and
Brahms were honorary members, and Gustav Mahler was resident conductor for a season
Slovenian School Museum
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(Slovenski Šolski Muzej; 251 30 24; ; Plečnikov trg 1; adult/child
€2/1; 9am-1pm Mon-Fri) This rather esoteric museum explores how Slovene kids
learned the three Rs in the 19th century.
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