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[1999], Jones and Tukey [2000], McBride, Loftis, and Adkins [1993],
Nester [1996], Parkhurst [2001], and Suter [1996].
The vast majority of such cautions are unnecessary provided that we
treat p values as merely one part of the evidence to be used in decision-
making. They need to be viewed and interpreted in the light of all the sur-
rounding evidence, past and present. No computer should be allowed to
make decisions for you.
A failure to reject may result from insensitive or inappropriate measure-
ments, or too small a sample size.
A difference that is statistically significant may be of no practical inter-
est. Take a large enough sample and we will always reject the null hypoth-
esis; take too small a sample and we will always accept—to say nothing of
“significant” results that arise solely because their authors chose to test a
“null” hypothesis rather than one of practical interest. (See Chapter 4.)
Many researchers would argue that there are always three regions to
which a statistic may be assigned: acceptance, rejection, and indifference.
When a statistic falls in the latter, intermediate region it may suggest a
need for additional experiments. The p value is only one brick in the wall;
all our other knowledge must and should be taken into consideration
(Horwitz et al., 1998).
Provide details of power and sample size calculations.
Describe treatment allocation.
Detail exceptions including withdrawals and other sources of
missing data.
Use meaningful measures of dispersion.
Use confidence intervals in preference to p values.
Report sources of bias.
Formal statistical inference is appropriate only for randomized
studies and predetermined hypotheses.
The text by Lang and Secic [1997] is must reading; reporting criteria for
meta-analyses are given on page 177 ff. See Tufte [1983] on the issue of
table versus graph. For more on the geometric versus arithmetic mean see
Parkhurst [1998]. For more on reporting requirements, see Begg et al.
[1996], Bailar and Mosteller [1988], Grant [1989], Altman et al. [2001;
the revised CONSORT statement], and International Committee of
Medical Journal Editors [1997].
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