Environmental Engineering Reference
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78. Dedes, J.G. and O'Shaughnessy, J.C.. (1985) A bench-scale study of wastewater aquacul-
ture using the duckweed, Lemna minor . Environmental Engineering, Proceedings of the 1985
Specialty Conference, Boston, MA. P. 771-778.
79. Awuah, E., Oppong-Peprah, M., Lubberding, H.J. and Gijzen, H.J. (2004) Comparative
performance studies of water lettuce, duckweed, and algal-based stabilization ponds using
low-strength sewage. J Toxicol. Environ. Health A , 67(20-22): 1727-1739.
80. Cloris, M. and Araujo, H. (1987) Use of water hyacinth in tertiary treatment of domestic
sewage. Water Sci. Tech. , 19(10): 11-17.
81. Xu, H., Wang, B., Yang, Q. and Liu, R. (1992) Treatment of domestic sewage in macrohy-
drophyte ponds. Water Sci. Tech. , 26(7-8): 1639-1649.
82. Jing, S.R., Lin, Y.F., Wang, T.W., and Lee, D.Y. (2002) Microcosm wetlands for wastewa-
ter treatment with different hydraulic loading rates and macrophytes. J. Environ. Qual. , 31:
83. Tripathi, B.D., and Shukla, Suresh C. (1991) Biological treatment of wastewater by selected
aquatic plants. Environ. Pollut. , 69: 69-78.
84. Van Duzer, C. (2001) Preliminary note on the floating islands of Zacaton sinkhole, Mexico.
Aquaphyte , 21(2): 4-5.
85. Kircher, A. (1671) Latium; id est, Nova & paralla Latti tum veteris tum novi description
(Amersterdam, 1671) (Book 4, Part 3, Chapter 4 on the floating islands in the Lago della
Regina. In 1959, Manuscripta St. Louis, MO.) reproduced this topic on microfilm in a series
called Microfilms of Rare and Out-of Print Books: List 83, Roll 16, No. 2.
86. Lana Terzi, F. (1684) Magisterium naturae, et aris (Brescia, 1684-1692) (Vol. 3, Book
25, Chapter 1, Number 54 on the floating islands in the Lago della Regina). In 1970,
Readex Microprint Corp. (New York) produced 19 microfiche to hold this publication in the
Landmarks of Science series.
87. Davy, H. (1830) Consolations in Travel or the Last Days of a Philosopher . J. Murray,
London, pp. 122-129, (give an account of the floating islands in L Solfatara, or the Lago
della Regina).Available in Landmark of Science series on microfiche by Readex Microprint
Corp. (New York, N.Y.).
88. Hubbard, R.K., Gascho, G.J., and Newton, G.L. (2004) Use of floating vegetation to remove
nutrients from swine lagoon wastewater. Trans. ASAE , 47(6): 1963-1972.
89. Hoaglund, D.R. and Arnon, D.I. (1950) The water-culture method for growing plants without
soil. Circular 347. Berkeley, CA: California Agricultural Experiment Station.
90. Davis, S.M. (1991) Growth, decomposition, and nutrient retention of Cladium jamaicense
Crantz and Typha domingensis Pers. In the Florida Everglades. Aquat. Bot. , 40(3): 203-224.
91. Newman, S., Schuette, J., Grace, J.B., Rutchey, K., Fontaine, T., Reddy, K.R., and Pietrucha,
M. (1998) Factors influencing cattail abundance in the northern Everglades. Aquat. Bot. ,
60(3): 265-280.
92. Miao, S.L., and Sklar, F.H.. (1998) Biomass and nutrient allocation of sawgrass and cattail
along a nutrient gradient in the Florida Everglades. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. , 5(4): 245-263.
93. Lorenzen, B., Brix, H., Mendelssohnn, I.A., McKee, K.L., and Miao, S.L. (2001) Growth,
biomass allocation, and nutrient use efficiency in Cladium jamaicens and Typha domingensis
as affected by phosphorus and oxygen availability. Aquat. Bot. , 70(2): 117-133.
94. Richardson, J.R., Bryant, W.L., Kitchens, W.M., Mattson, J.E., and Pope, K.R. (1990)
An Evaluation of Refuge Habitats and Relationships to Water Quality, Quantity, and
Hydroperiod . A.R. M. Loxahatchee national Wildlife Refuge, Boynton Beach, FL.
95. Koch, M.S. and Reddy, K.R.. (1992) Distribution of soil and plant nutrient along a trophic
gradient in the Florida Everglades. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. , 56(5): 1492-1499.
96. Urban, N.H.S., Davis, M., and Aumen, N.G.. (1993) Fluctuations in sawgrass and cattail den-
sities in Everglades Water Conservation Area 2A under varying nutrient, hydrologic, and fire
regimes. Aquat. Bot. , 46(3-4): 203-223.
97. Rutchey, K., and Vilchek, L. (1994) Development of an Everglades vegetation map using
SPOT image and the global positioning system. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. , 60(6):
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