Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9.1 Mat platform used
in experiment at commercial
hog farm
swine wastewater lagoon. We included wetland, grass, and horticultural species.
The species tested included cattail, soft rush, maidencane ( Panicum hematomon ),
willow trees ( Salix caroliniana ), common bermuda grass ( Cynodon dactylon L.
Pers.), Tifton 85 bermuda grass ( Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.), St. Augustine grass
( Stenotaphrum secundatum ), giant reed ( Arundo donox ), napier grass ( Pennisetum
purpureum ), and wild millet ( Panicum milliaceum ). The cattail, soft rush, maiden-
cane, willow trees, and napier grass all immediately died. The common bermuda
grass, Tifton 85 bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, giant reed, and wild millet all
survived and grew during summer 2004-mid-summer 2005. These five species were
selected for the 2005-2008 study.
The experimental design for the 2005-2008 lagoon study was completely ran-
domized, with four replicates of each of the five plant species. The study started in
Fig. 9.2 Platform of PVC
pipe and chicken wire tested
at commercial hog farm
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