Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Normal hotel prices are high in central Brussels. But if you arrive
in July, August, or on a Friday or Saturday night any other time,
the city's fancy business-class hotels rent rooms for half price,
making them your best budget bet. Otherwise, you do have budget
options. The modern hostels are especially good and rent double
rooms. April, May, September, and October are very crowded, and
finding a room without a reservation can be impossible.
Business Hotels with Summer Rates
The fancy hotels of Brussels (Db-€150-200) survive because of
the business and diplomatic trade. But they're desperately empty
in July and August (sometimes June, too) and on weekends (most
Fri, Sat, and—to a lesser extent—Sun nights). Ask for a summer/
weekend rate and you'll save about a third. If you go through the
TI, you'll save up to two-thirds. Three-star hotels in the center
abound with amazing summer rates—you can rent a double room
with enough comforts to keep a diplomat happy, including a fancy
breakfast, for about €60.
The TI assures me that every day in July and August, tons
of business-class hotel rooms are on the push list; you'll get a big
discount just by showing up at either TI (for same-day booking
only). In July and August and on any Friday or Saturday—trust
me—your best value is to arrive without a reservation, walk from
the Central Station down to either TI, and let them book you a
room within a few blocks. You cannot book these deals in advance.
They are only for the bold who show up without a reservation. The
later you arrive, the lower the prices drop (room-booking TI closes
at 19:00 July-Aug, last booking at 18:30, see page 380).
If you're nervous about traveling without advance reservations,
contact the TI by email (info@visitf and ask which
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