Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Upper Town has always had a more aristocratic feel than the
medieval, commercial streets of the Lower Town. With broad
boulevards, big marble buildings, palaces, museums, and so many
things called “royal,” it also seems much newer and a bit more ster-
ile. But in fact, the Upper Town has a history that stretches back to
Brussels' beginnings.
Use this 10-stop walk to get acquainted with this less-tour-
isted part of town, sample some world-class museums, see the
palace, explore art galleries, and stand on a viewpoint to get the
lay of the land.
The tour starts half a block from the one essential art sight in
town, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, which include
museums of ancient and modern art, and—new in 2009—the
Magritte Museum. Consider a visit while you're here (see tour on
page 418). The Musical Instruments Museum is also in the neigh-
borhood (also closed Mon, see page 391).
Length of This Walk: Allow 90 minutes.
Getting There: The walk begins at Place Royale in the Upper
Town. You have several ways to get there:
1. From the Grand Place, it's a 15-minute uphill walk
(follow your map).
2. From the Bourse, in front of the Falstaff Café, bus #95
leaves every few minutes for Place Royale (bus signs call it
Royale; buy ticket from driver, validate it in machine).
3. Catch a taxi (figure on €6 from the Bourse).
4. Hop off here during a hop-on, hop-off bus tour (see
page 384).
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