Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The series of tranquil valleys that works its way like a hand of bony fingers into the moun-
tains north of Bergamo rank among the region's best-kept secrets. Here the hills rise to the
status of mountains in the Orobie Alps, which throw up a mix of jagged peaks, gentler,
snow-covered slopes, thickly wooded dales and open high-country pasture. All sorts of
little gems await discovery, from the Cascate del Serio waterfall outside Valbondione to the
medieval stone hamlets of Cornello dei Tasso and Gromo. Serious hikers have endless op-
portunities in the Orobie Alps.
Getting Around
From Bergamo's bus station, SAB ( 035 28 90 00; ) operates services to just
about every village in the valleys, albeit not with great frequency. Timetables are available
at the station.
Your own vehicle makes touring the valleys a great deal easier. The S road heads north
from the city along the Valle Brembana, while the S takes you northeast along the Valle
Bergamo Hills to Taleggio
From Bergamo's Città Alta, several minor roads lead through the pleasant Colli di Bergamo
(Bergamo Hills) and drop down into plains around Almenno San Salvatore (follow the S
road). In the country between this town and Almenno San Bartolomeo is a wonderful example of
early Lombard Romanesque, the circular Chiesa di San Tomè ( 2.30-6pm Sat, 10am-noon & 2.30-6pm
Sun & holidays) . The exterior of this unusual stone church boasts some pleasing decorative pat-
terns and the play of circular and semicircular spaces inside is testimony to the aesthetic
sensibility of medieval builders.
A possible driving route from Almenno San Salvatore would lead 5.5km northeast along
the S and then north up the S into the Val Brembilla. North of the town of Brembilla, the
wooded hill country makes for a fine scenic drive that brings you back to the S through the
little-visited Val Taleggio , the home turf of one of Lombardy's signature cheeses. The valley
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