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Fig. 3. Results of faceted search with the multilingual school document portal
domain knowledge is an important source of improving query statements. The
dynamic term suggestion realized in the school document portal exploits domain
knowledge, so that suggested terms can be ranked taking account of domain rel-
evance, rather than merely on the basis of term occurrence frequency in the
document collection. In the following subsections, we present an overview of
the auto-suggest interface, and then briefly explain the domain-dependent term-
weighting scheme.
3.1 Auto-Suggest Interface
Figure4showsaprototype 4 of auto-suggest interface realized in the search box
of the school document portal. While the user is typing a term, the interface
presents a list of suggested terms after every keystroke. The term expansion
is automatically executed once the user starts keystroking for every 500 mil-
liseconds. The suggested terms are shown in the drop-down list, and include
compound terms expanded by partial matching with what has been typed so
4 The interface is currently integrated only for the experimental use, and is not avail-
able in the public release.
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