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Other common interpretations of the bottom-left pictogram are 'Umbrella' and
'Feeling gloomy'. The interpretations these pictograms had in common across all the
age groups and genders suggest they are unlikely to cause misunderstandings due to
differences of interpretation.
3 Development of Age-Specific Pictogram Dictionary Application
This section provides an overview of the prototype of an age-specific pictogram
dictionary application, and describes its functions.
3.1 Age-Specific Pictogram Dictionary Application
Our age-specific pictogram dictionary is a web-based application that lets users enter
a mobile phone carrier, gender and/or age group (AG1 to AG5) as search conditions
(multiple conditions can be entered) to search and view pictogram interpretations and
usage examples. It was developed to help prevent miscommunications caused by
different interpretations of pictograms.
Although we collected more than 6,600 questionnaire data to create a table of
pictogram interpretations to achieve this objective, we still need more interpretations
from wider variety of participants in order to fully investigate differences in pictogram
interpretations by age groups. We developed the dictionary application as a prototype.
Fig. 8. System configuration of age-specific pictogram dictionary application
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