Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.2 (a) Energy diagram of the fabricated device with structure graphene/PEDOT:PSS/
P3HT:PCBM/LiF/Al. (b-e) Current voltage characteristics of the photovoltaic devices based on
graphene films in dark and under illumination, where (b) is from pristine graphene film,
(c) graphene film treated by UV light, (d) graphene film modified by PBASE, (e) ITO anode for
comparison. Reproduced with permission [ 33 ]. Copyright 2009, AIP
4.2.3 Improving the Conductivity of Graphene-Based
Transparent Electrode
The high sheet resistance is one of the most important factors for the poor
performance of organic electronic devices employing transparent electrodes based
on graphene. A strategy to improve the conductivity of the graphene films is to
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