Environmental Engineering Reference
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taBle 8.11
overall Investment and Process energy efficiency of technologies used to Produce
Biomass derived energy carriers
energy eficiency
(% lhv b )
total Investment
cost a 2005 $/kW
energy carrier
Production route
Biomass resource
Combustion (direct,
co-firing, gasification)
Any type of biomass,
lignocellulosic is preferred
27.7 d
32.5 d
37 d
Thermal conversion
Any type of biomass,
lignocellulosic is preferred
60 c
Thermal conversion
Any type of biomass,
lignocellulosic is preferred
55 c
FT liquids
Thermal conversion
Any type of biomass,
lignocellulosic is preferred
45 c
Ethanol from
Biochemical conversion
Lignocellulosic biomass
46 c
Ethanol from
Biochemical conversion
43 c
Biodiesel RME
Oily seeds
45 c
Green diesel
Algae, SBO, SFO, RSO,
Jatropha, Camelina
170-230 (2008 $)
55-81 e
Source: Shonnard, DR., et al., Evaluation of Low Greenhouse Gas Bio-Based Energy Technologies, Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI, 2006.
a Original data given in €/kW. The 2003 average exchange rate of 1.15 was used to convert into 2003 U.S. dollars.
Exchange rates were taken from http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int (accessed March 15, 2006). The quantities in 2003 U.S.
dollars were updated to 2005 U.S. dollars using the harmonized Consumer Price Index.
b LHV, low heating value is defined as the amount of energy released when a fuel is burned completely in a steady-flow
process and the products are returned to the state of reactants, except water, which remains in the vapor form. This
efficiency is only for the manufacturing part of the energy product life-cycle.
c Faaij, APC., Energy Policy , 34:322-342, 2006.
d DeMeo E, et al. (1997) Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and
Electric Power Research Institute.
e Range of values represents differences in data sources for cultivation, fuel production, and transport. (Shonnard, DR.,
Williams, L., and Kalnes TN., Environ Prog Sustain Energy , 29:382-392, 2009)
presented in this chapter. Some of these processing technologies are being currently applied
in the commercial production of biofuels, but most described here are still in the research and
development (R&D) pipeline. However, most of the described chemical engineering technologies
are being aggressively developed using R&D investments by government and industry sources. It is
the opinion of the authors of this chapter that the future growth of a renewable liquid transportation
biofuel industry will depend on the success of these R&D efforts, the goals of which are to increase
conversion efficiencies and lower production costs. Commercial success will also depend on
advancements in efficient and cost-effective production of bioenergy plant crops as described in
other chapters in this handbook.
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