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major contributor to the Pi
ATP reaction flux measured by
the 31 P MT approaches in E. coli (118) , yeast (119) , liver (120) ,
and the myocardium (121) . For instant, in the perfused rat heart,
GAPDH/PGK mediated exchange dominates the Pi
ATP flux
measured by the 31 P MT approach in the myocardium (121) .
Under these circumstances, only if the GAPDH/PGK effect
was eliminated either directly using exogenous inhibitor iodoac-
etate or indirectly by eliminating all exogenous and endogenous
sources of glucose, the myocardium Pi
ATP flux determined
by the in vivo 31 P MRS MT measurement was found to be the
same as the net rate of oxidative ATP synthesis calculated as the
product of the cardiac oxygen consumption rate and the P:O
ratio, and then the correlation between the measured flux and
oxygen consumption rate became evident (121) . These obser-
vations and findings reveal the complexity of biological systems
and potential limitation of in vivo 31 P MRS MT approaches for
directly measuring the ATP metabolic flux related to oxidative
phosphorylation in some organs such as heart and liver. Inter-
estingly, in contrast to the observations in the myocardium, and
analogous observations in yeast, E. coli and liver, the Pi
flux measured by in vivo 31 P MRS MT in the human brain is simi-
lar to the net oxidative ATP synthesis rate which can be estimated
by the available CMRO 2 data and the P:O ratio based on a tight
link between the cerebral oxidative phosphorylation and oxygen
utilization under normal physiological condition (20, 50) .The
CMRO 2 value in the human occipital lobe has been measured
to be 1.71
mol/g/min by PET (91) . The ATP synthesis rate
attributed by oxidative phosphorylation can be calculated by mul-
tiplying this CMRO 2 value by the P:O ratio of
2.5 (122) and
factor of 2, resulting in an estimated value of 8.6
This rate is almost identical to the cerebral ATP synthesis rate of
F ATP ase
mol/g/min, which was directly measured by in
vivo 31 PMRSMT (50) . A similar relation was also evident in
the animal studies showing a tight correlation between the mea-
sured Pi
ATP flux and the estimated oxidative phosphor rate
(49, 123) . These comparisons of results, thus, lead us to conclude
that in the brain, the Pi
ATP flux measured by the in vivo 31 P
MT approach equals the net oxidative ATP synthesis rate linking
to the cerebral oxidative phosphorylation, and this flux should
provide a vital index reflecting the major bioenergetics for sup-
porting brain activity and function (7, 12, 20, 123) . This conclu-
sion makes in vivo 31 P MT attractive for studying the central role
of the cerebral bioenergetics associated with oxidative phospho-
rylation and brain activity, though the underlying mechanism for
explaining the discrepancy in the 31 P MT measurements between
the brain and other organs (e.g., heart and liver) remains to be
explored (20) .
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