Biomedical Engineering Reference
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C is the concentration of the nuclear spin under observation; a t is
the spectrum acquisition time; Q is the radio frequency (RF) coil
quality factor. C and
are B 0 -independent and can be treated as
Equation (15.3) accounts for most B 0 -dependent parame-
ters that have influences in the apparent SNR, such as T 2 signal
loss and the partial saturation effect on signal due to a relatively
short TR of
5T 1 . For in vivo 31 P MRS applications, the term of
E 2 ) 1 / 2 G ( TR
T 1 ) approximates to 1.0 (60) , thus Eq. (15.5)
is a simplification
B 0 Q 1 / 2 T 2
1 / 2
SNR (per unit sampling time)
T 1
T 2
T 1
1 / 2
B β
SNR (per unit sampling time)
B 1 / 2
if one applies the approximation of Q
β and
based on the theoretical
predictions are 1.75 and 1.5 respectively (57) .
For precisely quantifying and understanding the sensitivity of
in vivo 31 P MRS as a function of magnetic field strength, it is
necessary to quantify all B 0 -dependent parameters used in Eq.
(15.6A) .
+1/4 (57, 60) . The values for
It has been demonstrated that both SNR and the quality of in
vivo 31 P MRS acquired in human brain are improved at higher
fields (24, 61-63) . Recently, we have quantitatively measured and
compared the values of T 1 ,T 2 * and SNR of PCr resonance peak
acquired from the human occipitallobe at 4 tesla and 7 tesla (60) .
We found that not only T 2 * of PCr, but also T 1 of PCr (i.e.
T 1,PCr ) were shortened at 7 tesla compared to 4 tesla. This obser-
vation indicates that the field dependence of T 1,PCr is likely deter-
mined by two competing relaxation mechanisms, i.e. the chemical
shift anisotropy (CSA) and the dipolar interaction that simultane-
ously influence the 31 P longitudinal relaxation time (60,64,65) .In
the case with dominant CSA contribution, the T 1 value decreases
with increasing field strength following the relation of 1/T 1
2.2.1. Field Dependence
of in vivo 31 PMRS
B 0 ;
in contrast, the T 1 value increases with increasing field strength
when the dipolar interaction mechanism dominates. The oppo-
site trends between these two relaxation mechanisms lead to a
decrease in T 1,PCr at higher field and offer an advantage for in
vivo 31 P MRS as a shorter repetition time can be employed which
allows more signal averaging within the same sampling time; as
a result, improving SNR and leading to a total SNR gain of 56%
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