Travel Reference
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The most distinctive sound in Bulgarian contemporary music is the spirited, warbling,
pop-folk idiom known as chalga . Influenced by Balkan, Turkish, Arabic and even fla-
menco rhythms, this is sexy, sweaty, repetitive dance music, and is looked down on by
many Bulgarians, who consider it vulgar. Bands often feature a scantily clad female lead
vocalist and play jazzed-up traditional Balkan tunes on instruments such as the electric
guitar, clarinet and synthesizer. It's loud, brash and often self-consciously cheesy, and
isn't to everyone's tastes, but there are plenty of clubs around Bulgaria that play little else,
and it's pretty hard to avoid if you go anywhere near a TV or radio. One of the biggest
names in contemporary chalga is Azis, a gay, white-bearded, transvestite Roma.
Music from Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares was in-
cluded in the capsule aboard the Voyager 2 space
probe in the hope of reaching alien ears.
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