Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The city's Old Town gets the fabled glory these days, but many of the cobbled blocks east
of Piaţa Romană and Piaţa Universităţii are some of Bucharest's most evocative. This area
has undergone a facelift in the past couple of years, and hidden among the crumbling
buildings are some beautifully restored villas and spruced-up parks.
Church of the Icon
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(Biserica Icoanei; Click here ; Str Icoanei 12; 8am-8pm) This church was built by
monk and former privy secretary Mihail Băbeanu from 1745 to 1750.
St Slujbă's Monastery
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(Mănăstirea Sfânta Slujbă; Click here ; Str Schitul Darvari 3; 8am-6pm) Pretty St
Slujbă's Monastery is surrounded by a lush walled garden.
Armenian Church
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( 021-313 9070; B-dul Carol I 43; 9am-6pm Mon-Sat, 8am-1pm Sun) Along B-dul
Carol I, east of Piaţa Universităţii, is the alabaster Armenian Church, which originally
dates from 1781 (though this church was built in 1915).
Theodor Pallady Museum
(Muzeul Theodor Pallady; 021-211 4979; Str Spătarului 22; adult/student 5/2.50 lei;
10am-6pm Tue-Sun) The Theodor Pallady Museum is housed inside the exquisite
early-18th-century Casa Melik, a former merchant's house. It contains the private art col-
lection of the Raut family (part of the National Art Museum today).
National Military Museum
(Muzeul Militar Naţional; off Click here ; 021-319 5904; Str Mircea Vulcănescu
125-127; adult/student 5/2.5 lei; 9am-5pm Tue-Sun) The National Military Museum
doubles nicely as a Romanian history museum, with its chronological rundown of how the
country defended itself. In the museum entrance, note the 1988 communist mural that cel-
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