Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Travel to Romania does not pose any unusual problems. Bucharest has air connections with
many European capitals and large cities, and train and long-haul bus service is frequent.
Flights, cars and tours can be booked online at .
Entering Romania
Travellers entering Romania should not experience any trouble at customs and immigra-
tion, particularly if they come from a country that does not require a visa.
For a discussion of which nationals require a visa to travel to Romania, see Click here . The
expiry date of your passport should not be less than three months after the date of your de-
parture from Romania. Additionally, some airlines may deny travel to passengers whose
passports are within six months of expiration.
Every form of transport that relies on carbon-based fuel generates CO2, the main cause of human-induced climate
change. Modern travel is dependent on aeroplanes, which might use less fuel per kilometre per person than most
cars but travel much greater distances. The altitude at which aircraft emit gases (including CO2) and particles also
contributes to their climate change impact. Many websites offer 'carbon calculators' that allow people to estimate
the carbon emissions generated by their journey and, for those who wish to do so, to offset the impact of the green-
house gases emitted with contributions to portfolios of climate-friendly initiatives throughout the world. Lonely
Planet offsets the carbon footprint of all staff and author travel.
Romania has good air connections to Europe and the Middle East. At the time of research
there were no direct flights to Romania from North America or Southeast Asia.
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