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(Muzeul de Istorie Nationala si Arheologie Constanta; 0241-618 763; ;
Piaţa Ovidiu 12; adult/child 11/5 lei; 9am-8pm daily Jun-Sep, to 5pm Tue-Sun Oct-
May) This museum is a minor disappointment. The stunning ground-floor exhibits of
vases, jewellery and statuary from the Greek and Roman periods, lasting until about AD
500, justify the admission price, but the upper floors on more recent times and Romanian
national history are poorly lit and lack signage in English. Skip the top floor altogether.
Roman Mosaic
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(Edificiul Roman cu Mozaic; Piaţa Ovidiu 12; adult/child 5/2.50 lei; 9am-8pm Tue-
Sun Jun-Sep, 10am-6pm Oct-May) Located just behind and south of the National History
and Archaeological Museum, a modern building protects what's left of a Roman floor mo-
saic dating from the 4th century that was discovered in the 1960s. The site is near where
the forum of ancient Tomis is thought to have existed.
Folk Art Museum
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(Muzeul de Artă Populară; 0241-616 133; B-dul Tomis 32; adult/child 10/5 lei;
9am-7.30pm) This large and impressive collection features folk costumes, implements,
household items and interiors of traditional homes from around Romania.
Great Mahmudiye Mosque
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(Moscheea Mare Mahmoud II; Str Arhiepiscopiei 5; adult/child 4/2 lei; 9am-5pm)
This impressive mosque is the seat of the mufti and was built in 1910 by King Carol I. It's
the spiritual home of the 50,000 Muslims who inhabit the coastal region. The highlight is
the enormous Persian rug, said to be the largest carpet in the country. You can climb the
140 steps of the minaret.
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