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(Biserica Armeană; 0232-214 893; Str Armeană 22) Considered Iaşi's oldest church,
the stone-and-brick Armenian Church (1395) has been extensively renovated since 1803,
eliminating most original architectural flourishes, though Armenian stone inscriptions
from the 14th century remain.
St Sava's Monastery
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(Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava; Str Costache Negri 41) At Str Armeană's southern end, this
16th-century church was built on earlier foundations - records attest a wooden church
consecrated here by a Byzantine bishop in 1330. Over ensuing centuries, it was refur-
bished by various princes (like the great Petru Rareş in 1534). With its two towers, large
domes and iconostasis, today's church combines Byzantine, Gothic Moldavian, Wallachi-
an and baroque styles.
Bărboi Monastery
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(Str Costache Negri) Built in 1841 over a 1615 church foundation, the Bărboi has an ec-
centric combination of Byzantine stone-and-brick interior and a neo-Classical portico sup-
ported by Doric columns - apparently a homage to similar churches at Greece's monastic
commmunity of Mt Athos.
Piaţa Universităţii, northwest of the centre along B-dul Carol 1, is filled with crowded
cafes and parks where students congregate.
Union Museum
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(Muzeul Unirii; 0232-314 614; Str Alexandru Lăpuşneanu 14; adult/student 4/2 lei;
10am-5pm Tue-Sun) This small, neoclassical palace was Alexandru Cuza's home for
three years (1859-62), and later housed King Ferdinand during his WWI retreat from
Bucharest. It displays the Cuza family's opulent furniture, pictures and personal effects.
Pogor House Literary Museum
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