Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Moldavia & the Bucovina Monasteries
Includes »
Southern Moldavia
Around Iaşi
Piatra Neamţ
Bicaz & the Ceahlău Massif
Bicaz Gorges & Lacu Roşu
Southern Bucovina
Bucovina Monasteries
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Rarău Massif
Why Go?
Less visited than other parts of Romania, Moldavia rewards those intrepid enough to seek it
out: from glorious medieval monasteries to rugged mountains ideal for skiing and hiking,
this singular region combines natural and artistic beauty with plenty of action.
Moldavia's bucolic villages and oddly endearing towns feature some of Romania's
friendliest locals. Beyond the hinterland's traditional ways, Moldavian modernity is fully
displayed in Iaşi, Romania's second-largest city and a vibrant student town famous for its
nightlife, shopping and exquisite, varied architecture.
Within Romania, Moldavia's known for its rolling plains, interrupted only by the acci-
dental cluster of trees or grazing horse. These sweeping vistas are particularly hypnotic by
evening, when fading sunlight spreads across the land and vast sky, suffusing both in tones
and shapes as rich and varied as Moldavia's monastic art.
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