Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pro-Dental Care ( 021-313 4781; ; Str Hristo Botev 7;
10am-8pm Mon-Fri, to 4pm Sat) Offering dental care.
You'll find hundreds of bank branches and ATMs in the centre. Most banks have a
currency-exchange office and can provide cash advances against credit or debit cards. Al-
ways bring your passport, since you will likely have to show it. Most banks operate only
on weekdays, though some may have limited Saturday morning hours.
Outside of normal banking hours, you can change money at private currency booths
(casa de schimb). There is a row of these along B-dul Gen Gheorghe Magheru, running
north of Piaţa Universităţii. We generally don't recommend using these, as the rates they
offer tend to be the same as or lower than the banks', often with higher commission fees.
If you do exchange money at a private booth, before you surrender your cash, tell the
cashier exactly what you want to exchange and ask him or her to write down the amount
you will receive in lei. You'll usually have to show a passport here as well.
For more on money matters, Click here
Branch Post Office ( ; Str Gării de Nord 6-8; 7.30am-8pm
Central Post Office ( 021-315 9030; ; Str Matei Millo 10;
7.30am-8pm Mon-Fri)
Tourist Information
Bucharest Tourist Information Center ( 021-305 5500 ext 1003;; Piaţa Universităţii, in the underpass; 10am-6pm Mon-Fri, to 2pm Sat
& Sun) This small, poorly stocked tourist office is the best the city can offer visitors.
While there's not much information on hand, the English-speaking staff can field basic
questions, make suggestions and help locate things on a map. Regular hours are posted on
the door, though in practice the office is not always open when it should be.
Info Tourist Point ( 0371-155 063; ; Gara de Nord; 10am-6pm
Mon-Fri) This small booth situated in the main terminal at the point where the rail tracks
meet the station can help with basic information and hotel booking, though it falls far
short of a true tourist information office. Though the booth claims to operate regular
hours, in our experience it's often closed.
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