Information Technology Reference
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How to do it…
Proceed with the following steps to create a new issue type:
1. Navigate to Administration | Issues | Issue Types .
2. Click on the Add Issue Type button.
3. Enter the name for the new issue type.
4. Select whether the issue type will be standard (a normal issue) or sub-task (needs
to have a parent issue).
5. Set an icon for the issue type. You can either click on the select image link, select
an existing icon, or type in a full URL to a custom icon.
6. Click on Add to create the new issue type.
You can place custom icons in the JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/im-
ages/icons/issuetypes directory. The icon files need to be 16 pixels by 16
pixels in size.
The following screenshot shows how to create a new issue:
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