Environmental Engineering Reference
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5.5 Which Are the Key Lessons?
The need to place a single organisation that will take responsibility for all
aspects of integrated water management.
6 Multiple-Use Water Services: Winrock
s Experience
in Africa and Asia
In many districts around the world, people living in poverty have limited or no
access to substantial water services in order to cover a variety of vital needs such as
drinking, hygiene, cooking, irrigation, livestock production and small-enterprise
6.1 Multiple-Use Water Services (MUS)
MUS is an integrated, participatory service delivery approach that considers water
financing, provision
and management of sustainable water services along with supporting programmes
regarding human health,
multiple needs as a starting point and involves design,
livelihoods and environment. MUS approaches can
potentially bene
t more than 1 billion people in rural South Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa (Renwick et al. 2007 ) by increasing income and reducing poverty, improving
human health, livelihoods and social equity.
Winrock International is a non-pro
t organisation with considerable experi-
ence and involvement in Multiple-Use Water Services through various programmes
and partnerships (WI 2014 ). Winrock targets sustainable strategies within com-
munities, watersheds and regions in many countries around the world to assist less
advantaged people, reinforce economic activities and conserve natural resources.
In Table 1 , an overview of the Winrock International experience in multiple-use
water services is presented, followed by a short description of the interventions
implemented in selected cases.
6.2 Nepal
The implementation of MUS approach in Nepal occurred mainly through the
Smallholder Irrigation and Market Initiative (SIMI) and the Education for Income
Generation (EIG), projects primarily funded by US Agency for International
Development (USAID), with main partners Winrock International and International
Development Enterprises (IDE) as well as other local partners including the Center
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