Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) of Australia, Sound Water
Cycle on National Planning (SWCNP) for Japan and Smart
Watergy City (SWC) for South Korea
Bottom up (micro-component based) urban water cycle
model that uses an alternative approach based on the gen-
eration, aggregation and transmission of a demand signal,
starting from the household water appliances and moving
towards the source
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CGBC Cascadia Green Building Council (2011) Toward net zero water: best management
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Charles River Watershed Association (2008) Low impact best management practice (BMP)
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14 April 2014
Clark C, Adriaens P, Talbot FB (2008a) Green roof valuation: a probabilistic economic analysis of
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Clear Water (2012a) Raingarden design principles. Quick reference guide. http://www.clearwater.
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Clear Water (2012b) Royal Park stormwater harvesting project city of Melbourne Royal Park,
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Continuing Education Centre (2014) Green walls: Integrating nature into buildings. http://
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Daily CG et al (2009) Ecosystem services in decision making: time to deliver. Front Ecol Environ
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de Groot RS et al (2010) Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in
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Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2013) Ecosystem services: guidance for
policy and decision makers on using an ecosystems approach and valuing ecosystem services.
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s guide to green roofs,
walls and facades, State of Victoria. http://imap.vic.gov.au/uploads/Growing%20Green%
20Guide/Growing%20Green%20Guide%20FINAL%20DRAFT%20website4.pdf . Accessed
April 14, 2014
Department of Environment and Primary Industries (2014) Victoria
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