Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 2 Five regional BGD centres in Europe
planning and management of the urban environment: one that maximises ecosystem
services, minimises environmental footprint and increases cities
Multiple-use water services (MUS) promotes a new paradigm for ef
adaptive capacity
to changing climate, demographic and socio-economic conditions. The paradigm
aims at enhancing the synergy of urban blue (water) and green (vegetation, energy
ciency) systems and provides effective, multifunctional MUS to support urban
adaptation to future climatic changes. Contrary to most energy ef
ciency, or Green
Infrastructure (GI) programmes that are propelled by government, i.e. apply the top-
down approach, the MUS is planned to combine both top-down and bottom-up
initiative propelled by masses. This approach guarantees resource management
of the project. The MUS paradigm is planned to become global and it will be
pursued in Europe through the core team (DE, FR, NL and UK) and the network of
ciency and goal appraisal
of which both are needed for a successful ful
five regional centres (RC) (Fig. 2 ). They are under development for the following
five regions: Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEEE), Scandinavia and North
Sea, North-Eastern Europe (NEE), Western Mediterranean and Maghreb (WMMA)
and Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME), followed by creation of the
global MUS network in 2014. Each of the Regional BGD centres will create a
polycentric network of focal points (FP) in each of the countries. The concept of the
et al. ( 2013 ).
The objectives of MUS are to achieve optimised solutions for urban develop-
ments and retro
is functioning is presented in Maksimovi
tting primarily by optimising performance of ecosystems affected
by water and greenery interactions. In the case of water, they are based on the
concept of 3R s
is bounded to behaviour
change of users and cannot be integrated within a water management system,
reduce, reuse and recycle. While
are most certainly topical. The opportunities for improving this
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