HTML and CSS Reference
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Examples of More Advanced Line Drawing
Example 2-3 shows these attributes in action; the results are depicted in Figure 2-3 . There are
a few oddities when drawing lines on the canvas, which we will point out along the way.
Example 2-3. Line cap and join
function drawScreen () {
// Sample 1: round end, bevel join, at top left of canvas
context . strokeStyle = "black" ;
context . lineWidth = 10 ;
context . lineJoin = 'bevel' ;
context . lineCap = 'round' ;
context . beginPath ();
context . moveTo ( 0 , 0 );
context . lineTo ( 25 , 0 );
context . lineTo ( 25 , 25 );
context . stroke ();
context . closePath ();
// Sample 2: round end, bevel join, not at top or left of canvas
context . beginPath ();
context . moveTo ( 10 , 50 );
context . lineTo ( 35 , 50 );
context . lineTo ( 35 , 75 );
context . stroke ();
context . closePath ();
// Sample 3: flat end, round join, not at top or left of canvas
context . lineJoin = 'round' ;
context . lineCap = 'butt' ;
context . beginPath ();
context . moveTo ( 10 , 100 );
context . lineTo ( 35 , 100 );
context . lineTo ( 35 , 125 );
context . stroke ();
context . closePath ();
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