HTML and CSS Reference
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well as all references to it. Inits place, we have added the following code to the updatePlay-
er() function:
var radians = Math . atan2 (( mouseY ) - player . y , ( mouseX ) - player . x )
var degrees = ( radians * ( 180 / Math . PI ));
var yChange = ( mouseY - player . y )
var xChange = ( mouseX - player . x )
var delay = 16 ;
var yMove = ( yChange / delay ) * frameRateCounter . step ;
var xMove = ( xChange / delay ) * frameRateCounter . step ;
player . x = player . x + xMove ;
player . y = player . y + yMove ;
iif ( degrees < 0 ) {
player . rotation = 359 + degrees ;
} else
else {
player . rotation = degrees ;
First, we find the radians value for the direction the player needs to point to follow the
mouse. Next, we use the yChange and xChange values to find the difference in screen pixel
for the player movement ( xMove and yMove ). We have put in a delay value of 16 . This value
acts like a smooth easing function so that the player doesn't zoom straight to the mouse (or
finger) on each click. This value can be changed to easily modify the easing look and feel.
Finally we check to make sure the degrees value is not less than 0 . If it is, we add 359 to the
value. If it is not, we simply use the degree value as calculated. This keeps the player rotation
between 0 and 359 and doesn't allow any negative values.
Checking out the game
Now it's time to check out how this all comes together. I have placed the live files at this site .
You can place them at any location you like. The game will be fully playable from a local
folder, but to play it from a mobile device, you will need to go to the link above or place the
files on the web server of your choice.
Let's take a look at the three different versions of the game. First, Figure 10-16 shows the
game being played in the desktop Safari Browser. (It will also work fine in Chrome as of this
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