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Adding a Step Timer
In Chapter 8 , wecreatedasimple FrameRateCounter objectprototypethatdisplayedthecur-
rent frame rate as the game was running. We now extend the functionality of this counter to
add a step timer. The step timer uses the time difference calculated between frames to create a
step factor. This step factor is used when updating the positions of the objects on the canvas.
The result will be smoother rendering of the game objects when there are drops in frame rate
and relatively consistent game play on browsers and systems that cannot maintain the frame
rate needed to play the game effectively.
Weupdatetheconstructorfunctionfor FrameRateCounter toacceptinanewsingleparamet-
er called fps . This value represents the frames per second we want our game to run:
function FrameRateCounter ( fps ) {
iif ( fps == undefined
undefined ){
this . fps = 40
} else
else {
this . fps = fps
If no fps value is passed in, the value 40 is used.
We also add two new object-level scope variables to calculate the step in our step timer:
this . lastTime = dateTemp . getTime ();
this . step = 1 ;
The lastTime variable contains the time in which the previous frame completed its work.
We calculate the step by comparing the current time value with the lastTime value on each
frame tick. This calculation occurs in the FrameRateCounter countFrames() function:
FrameRateCounter . prototype . countFrames = function
function () {
var dateTemp = new
new Date ();
var timeDifference = dateTemp . getTime () - this
this . lastTime ;
this . step = ( timeDifference / 1000 ) * this
this . fps ;
this . lastTime = dateTemp . getTime ();
The local timeDifference value is calculated by subtracting the lastTime value from the
current time (represented by the dateTemp.getTime() return value).
Tocalculatethe step value,dividethe timeDifference by 1000 (thenumberofmilliseconds
in a single second) and multiply the result by the desired frame rate. If the game is running
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