HTML and CSS Reference
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context . strokeStyle = "black" ;
context . lineWidth = 5 ;
context . arc (( node . y * 32 ) + 16 , ( node . x * 32 ) + 16 , 10 , 0 ,
( Math . PI / 180 ) * 360 , false
false );
context . stroke ();
context . closePath ();
< /script>
<div style= "position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px;" >
<canvas id= "canvas" width= "500" height= "500" >
Your browser does not support the HTML5 Canvas.
In Example 8-16 (shownin Figure 8-16 ),youcanseethateventhoughthegrasstileincreased
the total node path value by 1, it was still the shortest path through the maze to the end
goal node. This resulted in a path that ran through the grass node. In the next example,
Example 8-17 , we will add back in the diagonal movement to the node path. By doing so, the
tank will avoid the grass node because the A* function will be able to find a path that has a
lower total combined node weight than one that travels over the grass tiles.
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