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that the second column is made up of the number 1 in the first three rows. When displayed
on the canvas (without including the path finding code from Example 8-13 ) , it will look like
Figure 8-10 . This amounts to simply swapping the x and y values we use for displaying the
map when we use and evaluate the data that comes back from the astar.js functions.
Figure 8-10. The Example 8-13 tile map with no path finding code applied
The goal of Example 8-13 is to use this very simple tile map with only three movable tiles to
show an example of how the and functions work to find a path of nodes.
The first task is to create a new Graph object from the prototype code in the file. We
dothisbypassingatwo-dimensionalarrayintotonew Graph() constructorfunction.Asmen-
tioned earlier, the problem is that the Graph prototype is looking for columns of rows rather
thanrowsofcolumns.Therefore,whenwecreatethe startNode and endNode objectsthatare
used by astar.js , we need to flip our idea of the tile map on its side and pass in the values as
if the tile map was set up in this manner. (Again, simply swapping the x and y values will do
the trick.)
//set up a* graph
var graph = new
new Graph ( tileMap );
var startNode = { x : 0 , y : 1 }; // use values of map turned on side
var endNode = { x : 2 , y : 1 };
Figure 8-11 shows this flipping concept in an easy-to-understand fashion. The x and y values
for our tile map are simply swapped for use with astar.js .
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